President's Cabinet
Jeffrey D. Armstrong
Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Allison Baird-James
Senior Vice President, Administration and Finance, Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Kathryn Rummell
Acting Vice President, University Personnel and Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)
Meggan Levitt
Vice President, Information Technology & Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Chris Murphy
Vice President, University Communications and Marketing
Cody VanDorn
CEO, Cal Poly Partners
Denise Isom
Interim Vice President, Diversity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer (CDO)
Terrance Harris
Vice President, Strategic Enrollment Management
Jen Haft
Chief of Staff
Cynthia Vizcaíno Villa
Interim Vice President, Student Affairs
Matthew Weinstein
Vice President, University Development & Alumni Engagement and CEO of the Cal Poly Foundation
Jessica Darin
Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Advocacy
Robin Webb
University Counsel